
NHS launches Northern Gambling Service Centre in Manchester

The NHS have opened a brand new clinic in Manchester, specifically to help those with gambling addictions. The Northern Gambling Service have opened a clinic with a specialist medical team, including a consultant psychologist, consultant psychiatrist, clinical psychologist and senior mental health nurse. The Government have provided £34 billion in funding for the Northen Gambling Service to fund this clinic and its long term goals in helping overcome gambling addiction.


Serious addition and mental health problems


Gambling addiction can severely affect a person’s mental health as well as lead to a life of debt and depression and the specialists within the clinic will be able to offer specialist support, advice and treatment to those affected. They will also be able to assess which people may be at risk of harm or suicide and ensure they receive the appropriate treatment.



The new centre is based in Salford Quays and will serve all of the North Midlands and North West of England, as well as North Wales. The decision to base the clinic there was strategic, with reports showing that the North West of England had a particular need for additional support to deal with problem gambling.


Mathew Gaskell, Head of the Northern Gambling Service said that gambling addition should be classed as a public health crisis due to the number of people affected and the many ways in which gambling addiction can ruin lives.


Support for anyone affected


The first northern Gambling Service was launched in September 2019 after data revealed that in Leeds alone, over 10,000 people were dealing with gambling addiction, and every day, one person commits suicide due to gambling addiction.


As well as the on-site specialist team, the centre will also work closely with local agencies and charity organisations to provide a multi-agency approach. Support and advice will also be available for families and friends and anyone else affected by the results of gambling addiction.

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